Center-brain email marketing: Where detail meets design

There has always been a transformation in the field of email marketing as it draws inspiration from various other domains. It’s not surprising to accept that the age-old concepts of human psychology are very much intertwined with the current email marketing practices. Psychologists have long considered human brain to be bifurcated into left and right, based on the style of thinking. With that being said, the right-brain and left-brain theories are broadly different, giving rise to different email marketing personalities and characteristics.

To understand this better, answer this quick questionnaire:

1. How should your email marketing strategy be?

A. Logical

B. Emotional and Engaging

C. May be both

2. How do you want your campaigns to look like?

A. Rich in detail and facts

B. Attractive and good-looking

C. May be both

3. What do you think that drives your campaign performance better?

A. Study of metrics and statistics

B. Promotion on different platforms

C. May be both

If the majority of your answers to the above questions are ‘A’, you are a detail-driven, analytic-minded left-brain marketer. For those who have most of your answers to be choice ‘B’, you are creative-minded, imaginative right-brain marketer.

Now, for the ones who majorly chose ‘C’, you belong to the concept that’s discussed in this post — your thinking has the perfect blend of facts, creativity, art, and implementation, and you’re aptly called the center-brain marketer.

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Center-brain email marketing is the balance of right-brain and left-brain email marketing, as well as the personality traits of those specific marketers. To have the most-promising email marketing strategies and create the best-possible campaigns, you need to combine both styles of thinking and don the role of a two-in-one email marketer. Read on to know how right-brain and left-brain email marketers think, what their inputs are and how these inputs can be synergized to achieve the purpose of center-brain email marketing.


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Source – Unsplash

Left Brain:

• Left-brained personalities are sticklers for logic and tend to make plans that are concrete and detailed.

• The email marketing strategy is information oriented and contains sequential steps.

• There should be orderliness, and the plan should follow a proper timeline that suggests which campaign should be sent when.

Right Brain:

• Right-brained people are inclined towards emotions and build their strategy in the form of a storyline.

• Every email campaign of the plan involves a concept and provides a creative appeal.

• More attention is given to the empathetic connect and the elements needed in the email to relate with the recipients.


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Source – Unsplash

Left Brain:

• Content is the king and it contains product-centric information, helping readers to understand what exactly they can achieve using the product.

• Focus is laid on clarity of content and brevity in expression, so the takeaway is direct and simple.

• Calls-to-action, reference links to landing pages, webpages etc. are included in campaigns and are meticulously tracked to know recipients’ behavior.

Right Brain:

• Artistic and creative skills outweigh other components in a campaign, and value is given to the attractive look of the template.

• Illustrations, infographics, and videos come into play, and they are designed with innovation to deliver the main idea of the email.

• Intuitiveness and subjectivity in content are appreciated, and the need to capture audience’s attention takes precedence.


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Source – Pixabay

Left Brain:

• Success of a campaign is measured by the number-based metrics and statistics, which give a complete picture of target audience’s responses.

• Priority is assigned to testing and thorough analysis of content and design aspects in campaigns to find if they’re resonating with the audience.

• Thinking is objective, and hence the performance of future campaigns is driven by observation and in-depth study of campaigns sent hitherto.

Right Brain:

• Promoting a campaign on various platforms is considered important as the best way to boost conversions is to create an awareness.

• Influencing the social media traffic is needed to make a mark for the brand and build up brand loyalty, which in turn shows the impact of email marketing.

• The engagement level with the audience is measured by their reaction to a post and upcoming campaigns are triggered by aligning towards audience’s interests.

It’s time to become a center-brain marketer, adept in both data and creative outlooks. If you’re already one, do share your experience of being such a marketer in the comments section below.