Thanks for stopping by!
I reside in the intersection of building, launching, and transforming products. As much a humanist as techno-futurist, I have a deep-rooted belief in the growth mindset, empathy, and ethical tech—the three things needed for creating responsible products.
I’m a Product Manager building stuff from ground-up; I also currently run The Founder’s Foyer—a space for early-stage founders, creators, and builders to grow their ideas into products. Recently, LinkedIn selected me as one of the Top 200 creators from India.
I try to be consistent with writing and clearing up my mind by closing the 100+ tabs inside. I can pop out a few tabs on product building and tech to you bi-weekly/monthly.
Besides that…
I co-founded a technology podcast, TheProdcast, featuring founders, CEOs, product professionals, and VCs from across the world. We talk about impactful tech stories and navigating product career experiences.
I built a no-code app—One Good Thing—that lets you discover one good thing a day and helps you stay motivated during tough times. It’s a public repository, so go ahead and add your list of feel-good things that inspire others.
I’m also a muser; a big-time book addict, believing in ol’ world charm of smelling and hoarding books. Journaling is a cradle-habit, so all my mind conversations go as jotted notes, be it to-do lists or life lessons. Oceans calm me. I love writing as much as painting, and certainly wish to retire on one of those seascapes I paint!
I micro-blog about Carnatic music, so if you’re a music aficionado, let’s talk some harmony. I’ve designed some Carnatic merch to keep you happy too.
Let’s catchup
You can connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Happy to chat anything about products, books, art, and music. I also mentor product enthusiasts and folks who want to break into Product Management, SaaS, or tech roles—book a session with me.