The Midsummer Musings

Down came a treading day,
Persimmon skies dangle,
Thin air, zephyr they say,
Waltzing memories beheld.

Carrying warmth near and afar,
Scorched shine treasured;
Seasonal delights, sugar and sour—
Glimpses of mirth appeared.

Yon, balmy gardens with lush—
Unforgotten wildflowers chase.
Frenzied icy popsicle rush,
Melted doldrums in haze.

Drifting dusk, none can tell,
Songbirds chaunt away,
Gushing sea, ebb and swell,
Castles in sand to play.

A thousand miles afloat—
Mind mused into a jaunt,
Fond reveries to quote,
Summers always flaunt.